Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fight Club

Well as a big fan of Fight Club it's awesome that Paper Street Soap Co. recreated the house from the movie.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Fashion is a prominent subculture within SecondLife. I have always loved the freedom that fashion photography gives. Ok from now on my posts will be less general and more a day by day.


The world of second life is sometimes natural in essence, but nothing is ever there without having been built by someone else.


The one thing that intrigues me to Second Life is the people. This is a way for people to create identities for themselves. You can be anything you could ever want to be. The more unusual the avatar, the more intrigued I am by the person that may reside behind the avatar. Sometimes looks can be deceiving and sometimes that person fulfills our assumptions. It's truely a unique phenomenon.

Old meets New

For my Senior project this semester I took portraits of avatars in secondlife. Then I took those digital files and turned them into digital negatives and using that I created platinum prints. This is the newest of mediums merged with a tradition photographic process. I only have one example to show you right now but more will be uploaded shortly.


As a photographer I document the world that surrounds me. With the current and forthcoming technology the world has expanded into a digital as well as physical existence. This Blog is here with the purposes and showing my work I have discovered in Second Life. Some of these examples exist in the physical state of being whereas most remain simply digital creations. I can be found in Second Life under the name Ursul Turk. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy.